Again, a bunch of interesting articles and links by people in the field.
- Programmed for Love – a very thoughtful article with MIT ethnographer Sherry Turkle warning about the dangers of our continued reliance on technology for our social engagement. In this article, she discusses how robots and the like are potentially going to take over our human interactions with each other since they can be programmed to respond to our human needs – much better than our fellow humans due to our constant distraction by technology. If you understand that, then the article will really catch you. And I am getting her next book.
- Rundown of Telepresence Robots – Matt Webb of BERG does a quick and dirty rundown of the RPSes he has found in the world today. (Pssst – there are more coming…)
- What Can You Do With AVA (iRobot’s new telepresence concept robot seen at CES 2011)? – I promise this is the last post regarding the AVA at CES, but I have to thank Frank for getting some better detail from Colin on the specifics of the system. With the normal MSM talking breathlessly over the fact that the AVA was iRobot’s telepresence entry, I was saddened since it seemed woefully inappropriate for the task. But, with greater research, it looks like this was a “spark the imagination” feint, and leave me wondering what will happen next.