Monthly Archives: January 2014

Suitable announces a little Beam (or actually the Beam+)

The Beam+ seems to be Suitable’s answer to vGo’s offering and Double’s play using the base technology of the original Beam and to offer a more family-friendly play (as seen in their promo photos).

The Beam+ stands about 5 feet tall and supports many of the same features of the original Beam (including the same motors, microphone array and control software), technical improvements (including HDR-based camera and a higher-resolution screen) and cost reductions (including one wifi radio instead of two, a smaller physical screen size). Upon launch, Suitable plans on having the specs for the Beam+ at this URL: Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Finally! Pilot Presence meets double — in the flesh!

we got a chance to chat with David from Double where we discussed the origin story of double robotics. Instead of repeating the story, we learned that Tech Toys 360 on the Discovery Velocity Channel has a terrific video that presents the origin story along with additional details and visuals on the “innovative device” at Continue reading

Posted in Double, Double Robotics, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Finally! Pilot Presence meets double — in the flesh!