Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

Remote Presence Links for February 11, 2011

Low Cost Video Chat Robot – Lift11: Sabine Hauert, Robotics today – Robot helping fill Kern’s specialist doctor gap Continue reading

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Flashback: Telepresence from 1980 – NYC to LA

This past weekend, a number of interesting links have shown up – but not directly relatable to players in the market today.  So, how about a blast from the past and see what happened in 1980 when Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz created a “Hole in Space” from Lincoln Center to the open-air Shopping Center in Century City. The video is quite interesting in watching how the passerbys reacted to the presence of people from 3000 miles away. Continue reading

Posted in Remote Presence Amusement, Remote Presence Links | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Superbowl Sunday Ad for Anybots

No, Trevor and the team did not pay for a “real” Superbowl Ad. Just that a friend found that Red Rock Coffee, on Castro in Mountain View, CA posted a great video of the QB using a 4G network to visit the coffee shop to purchase scones. Funniest part was the number of people photographing and videoing the incident. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots QB, Remote Presence Amusement, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Remote Presence Links for February 4, 2011

HRI 2011 Conference Technical Program announced – ROS 3D Contest – The Results! – Geek of the Week: Trevor Blackwell – Real-time voice translator smashes down language barriers Continue reading

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Test-driving the Anybots QB

As readers have seen in the earlier articles this month, Anybots announced their public availability of the QB. The week before, Trevor gave me an interview which I published here using the newest version of the QB. In this article, I discuss the use of the QB and the aspects that I both enjoyed and could see improvements for in the coming versions. Continue reading

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Anybots QB now shipping! With HD video! And lasers (eye-safe)!

Yes – the buzz is across the mediasphere – Anybots has announced they are now shipping the QB en masse. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Interview w/ Trevor Blackwell from Anybots

After close to a dozen iterations, using the newest QB was a much better experience – with the two-way video, standard and high-def video and even a HD zoom feature. After a year of using remote presence systems, it was nice to see how Anybots have been improving their offering.

Aside from getting to test-drive the newer version of the QB (which I will post in a separate article), Trevor and I spent a good hour talking about how he got involved in being part of this RPS revolution. What follows is a recounting of his past, present and the potential future. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Remote Presence Links for January 31, 2011

Remote Presence Links for January 31, 2011 – Why I Don’t Like Telepresence Robots – YET – Q&A: Ken Goldberg Discusses Telerobots, Androids and Heidegger – 12 Advances in Medical Robotics – When Only a Robotic Video Presence Will Do – Rumor on new features on an RPS company product Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, AVA, Intouch Health, iRobot, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RP7i, RPS Companies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for January 31, 2011

Remote Presence Links for January 28, 2011

Remote Presence Links for January 28, 2011 – UMass Announces Telepresence Research to Recreate Closeness of Daily Interactions and Mitigate Isolation – Building a Super Robust Robot Hand – Hackerspaces Mini-Documentary – Utterly Ridiculous Action Scene From Bollywood ‘Terminator’ Knockoff Continue reading

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From Russia With Love – R.BOT Telepresence Robot

As my friends at Plastic Pals report, there has been another player in the telepresence robot market for a couple of years – based in Moscow, Russia. The R.BOT 100 is a creation of 3D Detection Labs (3D Labs), a firm based in Moscow. Continue reading

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