Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

Enjoyable holiday dinner via telepresence robots

While I normally do not think having the telepresence robots dressed up as mannequins is a good idea, the people at Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam ad agency created a set of these RPSes and allowed people to come together and try it out. Continue reading

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Remote Presence links for January 10, 2011

Remote Presence Links discussing telepresence robotics and other opinions Continue reading

Posted in AVA, iRobot, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems, RoboDynamics, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence links for January 10, 2011

vGo demos at CES 2011 – and names names

Tracking my news feed and I see The Guardian in England got some great content from Brad Kayton (founder and inventor) at vGo. Continue reading

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iRobot throws their AVA into remote presence ring

As announced yesterday, iRobot has jumped into the telepresence robot scene with their AVA offering. As reported in PCMag, CNET, Engadget, Hihook and many other sources, the 40 lb iRobot AVA offers Continue reading

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Remote Presence Links for January 6, 2011

One of my favorite things I love comes straight out of some of my must-read sites like O’Reilly’s Radar and Colin’s ePolitics where they do a summary of interesting links/posts on remote presence / telepresence robots. I will endeavour to do this every week – and maybe twice a week. Continue reading

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Christmas Party at the Tech Review and other remote presence thoughts

As I discovered the first article, I forgot the original article from Tom Simonite which is more publicly available. Again, some interesting thoughts bubble out of this article, which I can agree with his findings – especially when being the pilot of the robotic telepresence. Continue reading

Posted in Remote Presence Issues, Remote Presence Systems | 2 Comments

The coming challenge of remote presence social norms as per MIT Tech Review

If these robots are to introduce an era of effortless interaction with machines, the changes may have to come from us, not them. “As these machines appear in the workplace, we will see completely new social norms forming around them,” says Takayama. We humans may have to learn to judge people represented by electronic bodies differently from those we can see in the flesh. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Remote Presence Systems, VGo Communications, Willow Garage | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on The coming challenge of remote presence social norms as per MIT Tech Review

RoboDynamics demos the TiLR and hints about the Luna

Our friend Fred Nikgohar shows his local CBS affiliate the future of robot telepresence with his TiLR system. In the course of the conversation, he hints at a newer version called the Luna. Continue reading

Posted in Remote Presence Systems, RoboDynamics, RPS Companies, TiLR | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Gostai introduces the Jazz robot – more surveillance than presence

And today we discover the new “telepresence robot” from GOSTAI called the Jazz.  Interestingly enough, the team at Gostai have eschewed the concept of two way visual presence which I use as a hallmark for a true RPS, and play in the range of the WowWee Rovio or the iRobot Connectr. Continue reading

Posted in GOSTAI, Jazz Connect, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Telepresence robot pioneers still working hard in Sweden on the giraff

When I first started looking into robotic telepresence over a year ago, one of them – HeadThere, a company started at the TechShop in San Jose, CA – was one of the few (at the time) that (I believed) got … Continue reading

Posted in Giraff, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment