Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

UPDATE: Edward Snowden appears at TED2014 via a Beam!

Because TED2014 was happening there – and, instead of bringing Snowden on American soil, the Beam offered Snowden a way of connecting via remote presence. And Chris Anderson demonstrated the excellent way of communicating as a remote person incredibly well. Continue reading

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Remote Presence Links for March 18, 2014

Remote Presence Links for March 18, 2014 – Hassan to keynote Xconomy Robo Madness – Twitter Engineering uses Double to humanize remote conversations – Beaming in from Vancouver Continue reading

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iRobot announces availability of Ava 500 to “regular” customers

iRobot is reacting to market forces and announcing the “availability” of the Ava 500 in time for the Enterprise Connect Conference in Orlando. Continue reading

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PilotPresence at MIPIM 25

PilotPresence visited Cannes, France to demonstrate their two Beams and a double at the London Stand with Canary Wharf at MIPIM 25. Due to the generosity of the team at Level39, we were able to show both the concept of piloting from locations in England and the US while allowing the MIPIM visitors to experience “remote presence” in the pantry of Level39. Continue reading

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Double and EE makes it to the BAFTAs with Fanbots [video]

EE (the 4G carrier in England) created a chance for two of their subscribers to use two doubles dressed up as reporters on the red carpet, engaging celebrities on their way to the BAFTAs as “fanbots”. Continue reading

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Suitable announces a little Beam (or actually the Beam+)

The Beam+ seems to be Suitable’s answer to vGo’s offering and Double’s play using the base technology of the original Beam and to offer a more family-friendly play (as seen in their promo photos).

The Beam+ stands about 5 feet tall and supports many of the same features of the original Beam (including the same motors, microphone array and control software), technical improvements (including HDR-based camera and a higher-resolution screen) and cost reductions (including one wifi radio instead of two, a smaller physical screen size). Upon launch, Suitable plans on having the specs for the Beam+ at this URL: Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Finally! Pilot Presence meets double — in the flesh!

we got a chance to chat with David from Double where we discussed the origin story of double robotics. Instead of repeating the story, we learned that Tech Toys 360 on the Discovery Velocity Channel has a terrific video that presents the origin story along with additional details and visuals on the “innovative device” at Continue reading

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UPDATED: Anybots shows off their Q(X) Virtual Presence

We are thrilled to see the team at Anybots are pushing for a platform play (our assumption on the use of the Q-sub-X designation) and hanging on the Anybots Q(X) platform, they have a bunch of the Polycom kit. Continue reading

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Spotify Engineer experiences Remote Presence and lives!

What is notable about his experience is the issues of being a “drunk tetraplegic with bad hearing and a weak voice”. The challenge with most of the remote presence systems on the market today is exactly the issue he focuses on the most. Continue reading

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Try before you Buy? Suitable comes up with their own viral marketing campaign

Suitable Technologies, Inc. has revealed its new Beam Corporate Leasing Program to offer large organizations the opportunity to test the Beam remote presence system for a 3-year period. Continue reading

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