Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

Double Robotics outdoes both Anybots and iRobot Ava

With a slew of articles discussing “Shelbot Has Nothing on These iPad Telepresence Robots” or “Double Robotics’ telepresence robot gives your iPad legs” in the last 24 hours, we were thrilled to see someone come up with an incredibly simple, elegant solution to the quite expensive iRobot Ava. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Double, Double Robotics, Intouch Health, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Double Robotics outdoes both Anybots and iRobot Ava

Aldebaran acquires our favorite French remote systems player, Gostai

Recent news from our friends in France, Jean-Christophe Baillie has found himself partnering with the wizards of Aldebaran through an acquisition of all tech, talent and software. Continue reading

Posted in GOSTAI, Jazz Connect, Jean-Christophe Baillie, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

InTouch Health and iRobot Launch RP-VITA Telepresence System [video]

As shown on the video below, the RP-VITA is a beautiful marriage between InTouch’s focus on healthcare and iRobot’s strengths in robotic manufacturing and navigation. We await a chance to see this device in person to give you an upfront and close examination of this device. With a footprint that is smaller and easier to navigate than the RP-7, the RP-VITA may just be what the patients ordered. Continue reading

Posted in Health Care, Intouch Health, iRobot, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RP-VITA, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on InTouch Health and iRobot Launch RP-VITA Telepresence System [video]

Remote Presence Links for July 25, 2012

Remote Presence Links for July 26, 2011 – Robot Startup Companies – Will Your Next Government Co-Worker Be a Robot? – The Avatar Economy – Botiful, social presence robot for Android Continue reading

Posted in R.BOT, Remote Presence Links, RoboDynamics, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for July 25, 2012

Press Release: Anybots hires a new CEO

A couple of nights ago, we got ourselves a little note in the inbox responding to our past report that Anybots may have been aqui-hired by Facebook.

The email (from Tim Lenihan at Anybots) tells us that David Rogan, former Cisco Executive has joined Anybots as Chief Executive Officer to help bring about the re-energizing of the company. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, GOSTAI, Intouch Health, iRobot, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Press Release: Anybots hires a new CEO

Remote Presence Links for May 15, 2011

Remote Presence Links for May 15, 2011 – Bell Labs developing Nethead, a cheaper teleconferencing robot – Anybots Roundup – iRobot CEO: Enough with the gimmick ‘bots (Q & A) Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Colin Engle, iRobot, Remote Presence Links, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for May 15, 2011

Rumors: Facebook acquires Anybots?

Rumors have come to the attention of our blog that our friends at Anybots may have been acquired by the Facebook monolith — in their quest to acquire developer talent and potentially some neat telepresence toys.

To be clear, this rumor has yet to be substantiated by anyone — but in our investigation of some of Anybots’ web footprints have led us to think something may have happened to our friends in Mountain View in the past two months: Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Public Service Announcement, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, Trevor Blackwell | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

WSJ getting excited about remote presence systems

The Wall Street Journal discovered remote presence systems in San Francisco with a vGo system being the RPS that people can be remotely present within. And InfoWorld gives us some credit for the build of the Texai – which we appreciate, but should reserve for the team at Willow Garage. Continue reading

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Schmidt announces future of Remote Presence

Eric Schmidt says “Small robots could be used so busy people can send them to events for video and voice transmissions when their presence isn’t required, Schmidt said. “In the future you’ll be able to dispatch a robot to each event,” he said.” Continue reading

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Remote Presence Links for November 8, 2011

Remote Presence Links for November 8, 2011 – >Bell Labs developing Nethead, a cheaper teleconferencing robot – Anybots Roundup – iRobot CEO: Enough with the gimmick ‘bots Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Colin Engle, iRobot, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment