Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

Remote Presence Links for May 12, 2011

Remote Presence Links for May 12, 2011 – Telepresence robots go airborne – Luna Roundup – It’s Robots Galore at Google I/O Continue reading

Posted in AVA, google I/O 2011, iRobot, Luna, Remote Presence Links, RoboDynamics | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for May 12, 2011

Luna is not from Apple – but is it a telepresence robot?

The Mystery Robot is revealed – and no, it is not an Apple or Google product. It is Luna from RoboDynamics and we discuss why Luna may or may not be a telepresence robot. Continue reading

Posted in Fred Nikhogar, Luna, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RoboDynamics, RPS Companies, RPS People | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

iRobot shows up at google I/O and shows off the AVA

T-Minus One Day before Mysitery Robot gets launched and Colin Angle shows up at google I/O 2011 and announces the availability of AVAs for developers by the end of the year. Continue reading

Posted in AVA, google I/O 2011, iRobot, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Interview w/ Fred Nikhogar from RoboDynamics

Interview with Fred Nikgohar from RoboDynamics on his history, his ideas for how to make better robots and what he thinks is the future of personal robotics. Continue reading

Posted in Fred Nikhogar, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RoboDynamics, RPS Companies, TiLR, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Interview w/ Fred Nikhogar from RoboDynamics

Telecommuting with RPSes – great idea!

And why not? One of the benefits from telepresence and remote presence systems that is very important is remote workers. As someone who is dying for my next RPS to play with – as I travel back and forth from NYC to London to California – I keep crying out for my Texai! Continue reading

Posted in Anybots QB, Remote Presence Systems, Texai | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Its been a quiet month of April…

InTouchHealth announces their RP-Xpress product at the American Telemedicine Association’s 16th Annual International Meeting and Exposition in Tampa, FL. Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Intouch Health, Mantaro, Remote Presence Systems, RoboDynamics, TiLR, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , | Comments Off on Its been a quiet month of April…

The RPSes are coming! The RPSes are coming!

Looks like there is about 50 of the Anybots QBs lined up here. Anybots was at TED2011, Anybots is selling product – it looks like Anybots is on the move… Continue reading

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Interview with Dr. Yulin Wang from InTouch Health

Normally in these pieces, I would go into the history of the founder and the way he/she built up their first remote presence offering. In this case, Dr. Yulin Wang (pronounced “Wong”) is far from an unknown quantity. In this article, I spent more of my time discussing with him about the future of remote presence and where he sees the industry going. Continue reading

Posted in Intouch Health, Remote Presence Systems, RP7i, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Interview with Colin Angle from iRobot

At InnoRobo, I got a chance to speak with Colin from iRobot – in a very candid interview about his view on the robotics industry, his vision for the AVA and how he sees the robotics industry shaping up in the coming years. Continue reading

Posted in AVA, iRobot, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

InnoRobo 2011 and some notes on the new Jazz

As I have been reporting from here, the InnoRobo conference was quite an eclectic group of companies – coming from France, South Korea and Japan. Yes, iRobot was there as a exhibit presenter, but most of the US robotics companies were definitely in absence.

I spent a great deal of time roaming the booths in the exhibit hall at the largess of Jean-Christophe from GOSTAI (he got me a complimentary pass to the event). I was looking forward to seeing JC and the updated Jazz, after my first experience with it two months ago. And, while GOSTAI has not released their new user interface, the redesigned Jazz has a lot of physical and component improvements. Continue reading

Posted in Events, GOSTAI, InnoRobo, Jazz Connect, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment