Remote Presence Links for February 28, 2011

WIth the last day of February upon us, I have been doing a little bit of Spring Cleaning and seeing what other stuff has been out there in the past. In coming days, I will be bringing out some of the past content in robotic telepresence / remote presence to see where we are and where we are going.

If you know of some great historical data, please help us fill out the History of Remote Presence section of the Future of Remote Presence.

On to our links:

ROBOSEM - English Tutor for Korean students

Want to hear a secret?

  • Korea’s Yujin Robot Jumps Into Educational Telepresence – (Plastic Pals) Once again, our friends find another great system that is going to be a contender in the RPS space. Yulin Robots get a jump into the space with a slight modification to their CAFERO robot calling it the ROBOSEM. And we will see about getting more details on this system in the near. (h/t: Plastic Pals)
  • While NASA’s Robonaut 2 Is In Orbit, Its Hype Has Escape Velocity – (Singularity Hub) – Aaron seems to be a little down on the over-hype that is driving awareness of the Robonaut that is up in space with the Discovery today. In his words:

    As I mentioned in the beginning, the serious damage from all this humanoid in space hype, however, is that it will obscure the real benefits that this ISS mission for Robonaut 2 could achieve. NASA has us expecting robots and humans acting together in some sort of Star Wars style mission. Robonaut 2 is not R2D2. You know what Robonaut 2 will be doing while at the ISS?
    Continue reading

Posted in Education, Industries, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems, ROBOSEM, Space, Yujin Robot | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for February 28, 2011

Remote Presence Links for February 25, 2011

Again, some great links today – and some interesting things on the playing field of remote presence.

I got a secret...RUMOR ALERT! We have been made privy to a (unconfirmed) rumor that a “big player” has been checking out one of the RPS companies we track. Sounds like the “big player” wants to advance into the RPS space ahead of other players. While this is simply a rumor, the fact that we are hearing of such rumors demonstrates how exciting the RPS market is becoming. We are looking further into the story to get more confirmed information and will get back to you in the near.

After the attention RPSes are getting in the mainstream (like BusinessWeek), how things are moving rapidly in our space.

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, GOSTAI, Jazz Connect, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for February 25, 2011

New Product Demo Video for Anybots

You know – I love google Alerts. How else could someone get a link to one of the better product demo videos I have seen in a long time. Granted, it takes its inspirations from the hand drawings from the Anybots website – but this work is excellent. And this guy (Grumo) truly IS the “Spanish James Earl Jones”.

(h/t to Hacker News and google Alerts)

Posted in Anybots QB, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

GOSTAI shows off new video face on the Jazz

Jazz Connect with LCD Screen

But where are the cute blue LED eyes?

This morning, GOSTAI’s PR contact sent me a lovely PDF showing off their newest version of the Jazz – complete with an LCD screen on the face of the Jazz.

As mentioned in our interview with JC Baillie last month, the Jazz has been upgraded to support the two-way video.

After our interview, I was treated to a preview experience with the Jazz without the LCD screen. I am looking forward to the next version and being able to report on it in the coming weeks. If you are in Hanover during CeBIT, do stop by the French pavilion and see the Jazz yourself.

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Remote Presence Links for February 20, 2011

I am always keeping an eye out for news on remote presence products for you my dear readers. After the vGo got some major visibility with the Today Show piece and the Business Week article, it is getting a bit quiet. But here are some fun links I found.

VGo and its family

The love child of Eve and Wall-E?

  • Hear here – (SF Gate) Daniel Yates, CEO of software startup Opower called his newly purchased Anybot QB “Skype on a Segway.” So, while I am personally not a fan of that description, it seems to help people understand the concept initially. I look forward to the conversation Anybots will have with him after using it for a while.
  • VGo YouTube Video – VGo releases a video to go along with its press push this past week. Check it out below:

  • Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Elder care, Health Care, Industries, Intouch Health, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems, RP7i, RPS Companies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for February 20, 2011

VGo getting a lot of press this week

Seems as though the guys in New Hampshire have been working the wires with the Today Show today and just found that BusinessWeek has a compelling article on the VGo as well.

I’ll Have My Robots Talk to Your Robots (article)

Bloomberg BusinessWeek with the VGo

Did you watch the SuperBowl? Great game! (click for the BW article!)

Accompanying the spread is video from Ned Semonite, VP of VGo Communications where Ned discussed uses cases and the future direction of the VGo offering.

Posted in Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

VGo on the Today Show

This morning, Linden Baty and his “Baty-Bot” gets national exposure on NBC’s Today show:

What makes this a compelling use for the VGo is the fact the majority of the time Linden is using the VGo, his classmates are sitting in class with him. And around the 5:30 mark, you can hear how Linden feels “present” with the VGo.

Additionally, the video shows both the use of the navigation interface (6:30 mark) which will be part of my feedback coming soon.

Posted in Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , | 1 Comment

These robots need your VOTES!

Just going through my feed reader and the guys at Robot Dreams pointed me to the Engadget vote for Robot of the Year.

After I submitted my vote, I saw this:

Votes as of Wed night EST

The PR2 and the QB deserve BETTER!

Guys (gender non-specific) – get out your browsers and click on the image above or this link and VOTE!

While I would advocate for the Anybots QB since it is the only remote presence system being voted on, I am also very partial to Willow Garage’s PR2. I leave the decision in your hands.

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Remote Presence Links for February 16, 2011

Some new links for your reading:

Posted in GOSTAI, Jazz Connect, Remote Presence Links, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for February 16, 2011

Interview w/ Tim Root, CTO and Founder of VGo Communications

Last week, I got a chance to speak with Tim Root, CTO and Founder of VGo Communciations and to hear his team’s perspective on the idea of remote presence and where he saw the market evolving.

Tim Root, CTO and Founder at VGo

Tim is quite casual here in the conference room

During the course of the interview, I met with other members of his team including two engineers and the head of business development who gave me insights into how the sales are hopping at VGo.

In a later post, I will comment on the experience using the VGo in their office and the strengths and challenges it faces.
Please be aware, this is a two-page article. The next page is found here.

Technical note: the images in this article are somewhat pixelated due to the compression system I used converting from my XP machine to my Mac – I am working to find a better solution for the video for the demo post.

Meeting Tim

When Tim walked into the conference room, after I was all set up on the VGo, I was immediately surprised incorrectly assuming he would be the tall, carrot-topped guy from the photos I saw in other videos and pictures of the VGo. Instead, I met a very unassuming, engaging engineer who seems to have had a smoldering passion for the vision he saw happening.

Tim has been involved in video conferencing for many years – CTO of PictureTel, CTO of PolyCom – and has built a number of terrific video conferencing solutions for both companies. As he grew in his role, he began to spend more and more time with his customers – listening to their needs. As he listened, he began to consider that there was a simmering need to bring VC out of the conference room – and into other locations – where a remote controlled mobile VC system could help remote workers, remote managers, health care workers, etc. Thus began his vision of what has become the VGo. Continue reading

Posted in Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment