Author Archives: Sanford Dickert

Past Blast: IvanAnywhere shows how remote presence can work [VIDEO]

Past Blast: checking out IvanAnywhere’s efforts on remote presence in 2007. Continue reading

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Beaming into the local hardware store in North Vernon, IN

This article was found in a local newspaper in North Vernon, Indiana and shows yet another place for remote presence to make a difference.  The original engineer behind the precursor to the Beam, Dallas Goecker, demonstrated the RPD at his parents hardware store in central Indiana. The photo and the article is quite nice — covering all of the points that explain the Beam quite well. Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Remote Presence Systems, Suitable Technologies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Beaming into the local hardware store in North Vernon, IN

Want to join the next Willow Garage? Or the French version of Xerox Parc?

Out of InnoRobo, we interviewed our old friend Jean-Christophe, formerly of GOSTAI fame and now Chief Scientific Officer of Aldebaran Robotics. And in the interview (which we plan on launching in the coming days), we learned of the new A-Lab that is looking for talented individuals. Continue reading

Posted in GOSTAI, InnoRobo, Jean-Christophe Baillie, Public Service Announcement, RPS Companies | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Want to join the next Willow Garage? Or the French version of Xerox Parc?

InnoRobo was a-buzz about Willow Garage…

But, in our exploration of the event, one of our team wore their Willow Garage jacket they owned from a previous era.   In doing so, a great many people would suddenly come up to us and say “How is everything at Willow Garage?” or say “I heard things are changing at Willow Garage, all good?” After informing them of the former employment with Willow, we asked what was causing such a strong reaction to the change they heard about. Continue reading

Posted in InnoRobo, Public Service Announcement, Willow Garage | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Remote Presence Links for March 14, 2013

Remote Presence Links for March 14, 2013 – Telepresence robots: Your alter ego on wheels – Robot Lets You Be in Two Places at Once – Meet vGo, the robot that will make you smile – Anybots at FutureMed 2013 Continue reading

Posted in Anybots, Anybots QB, Beam, Remote Presence News, Remote Presence Systems, Suitable Technologies, VGo, VGo Communications | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Remote Presence Links for March 14, 2013

Remote Presence Links for February 24, 2013

Remote Presence Links for February 24, 2013 – Augmented realty interface for telepresence robots – Autonomous Person Following for Telepresence Robots Continue reading

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Willow Garage changing is a good thing.

News of Willow Garage’s change of organization may have surprised some, but from our point-of-view, it was only a matter of time. Continue reading

Posted in Remote Presence News, Scott Hassan, Willow Garage | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Can a kiss with a remote girl be dangerous?

What his wife does not know about, can’t hurt her. Continue reading

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Serge is for real! No, wait! Bossa Nova launches mObi!

Bossa Nova Robotics, along with their friends at CMU have launched the first commerically viable Ballbot remote presence system. Continue reading

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“Beam me up, Scotty!” Suitable announces the Beam!

At midnight tonight, Suitable Tech’s CEO Scott Hassan unveiled the second version of their Remote Presence System – the Beam.

The Beam itself is not the System, since the entire collection (remote presence device, the client app and the docking station) make up the entire system. engadget was given a preview which shows the device as Scott has “beam”ed into the Beam. See the video below: Continue reading

Posted in Beam, Remote Presence Amusement, Remote Presence Systems, RPS Companies, Scott Hassan, Suitable Technologies, Texai, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on “Beam me up, Scotty!” Suitable announces the Beam!